Environmental Documentation: Permitting and Compliance

NRM's Environmental Planners and Resource Specialists prepare all types of documents and permit applications for California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) & National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance, Fish and Game Code 1600 et seq. – Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreements, Clean Water Act Sec. 401 & 404 permit processes and Endangered Species Act Sections 7 & 10 consultations, etc. NRM's biologists and botanists assist our foresters in statutory compliance during the preparation of land management plans and timber harvesting plans thereby providing multi-disciplinary input to better assure adequate biological evaluations and environmental assessments. 


Services include, but are not limited to:

Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

Environmental Assessments (EA)

Biological Assessments (BA)

Initial studies

Environmental Impact Report (EIR)

Timber Harvesting Plans (THP)

Non-Industrial Timber Management Plans (NTMP)

Federal and Private Watershed Analyses

CDFW 1600 Permits

Water Quality 401 Certifications

Army Corps of Engineers 404 Permit

Coastal Development Permits

County Permitting